Category: Exercises

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Using Clips from The IT Crowd to Teach Needs Assessment

by Dr. Gordon B. Schmidt, University of Louisiana Monroe   When we talk about topics like Needs Assessment in classes related to Human Resource Development, Human Resource Management, or Training it can be difficult to find engaging examples. In my own classes related to Human Resource Development and Training I use a series of clips from the show The IT Crowd to help to illustrate aspects related to needs analysis. This offers a shared cast of characteristics to consider related to needs…

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Posted in Exercises

Enhancing Empathy Through Behavioral Mirroring: A 5-minute Experiential Activity

by Dr. Andrew Bennett, Old Dominion University Overview One component necessary to enhance positive change in the world is increased empathy and perspective taking. Behavioral mirroring / behavioral synchrony is one activity that has shown promise for improving individual empathy (Bräuninger, 2014) and self-other awareness (Koch, Mehl, Sobanski, Sieber, & Fuch, 2015). This exercise guides participants through a short behavioral mirroring activity with provided instructions and debrief questions. The mirroring activity is appropriate for skill development courses (e.g., Managerial Skills, Negotiations) or…